Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Card of the week

Since i have been a blog slacker here is another card of the week this spell should be usefull in your journey through celestia

Card of the week

Time for another spell of the week since i have forgoton look above at the next post for another card of the week. remember these cards are the few that will be usefull in your journey through celestia

News from wizard101

Amazing! 10 million players in less than too years in only about a year since we had 5 million we have doubled to 10 million players hopefully there will be even more to come as news about celestia and the opening of the new world come closer. But not only that there is news of wizard101 expanding out of the united states that means more players to come and also more and more subscribers and friends!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Hello players of wizard101 it is me the local pyromancer or mystery wizard. Tomorrow is the begining of a little holiday week i would like to start. It is where all week long just go find a person say hello and become friends cause it feels good to be nice not only that but help eachother and then the next day move on and make a new friend. thats seven new friends in one week then maybe we can all be happy

Card of the week

Here is another card you will need to survive your adventure through celestia!